Rules for Schools, Charities, and You

There is no charge for this. I worship families and friends. They need to be celebrated as such. I am an artist, with limited drawing and music capacity, but I have technical expertise. All artists strive for immortality, I will settle for two generations. Nothing is more important than a friend or family who are all smiling as one.

I must have your permission, the principal, and the subjects’ approval.

If anyone objects to a picture, I will not take it. I always ask first. If permission is given, I will take the pic(s) and give the lead subject my address card with the URL address on it. Here, the family can see and print their pic and forward the link to other family or friends. This is my target market, the reason I do this.

I allow anyone to copy and use these photographs, e.g. they’re now on Walgreens Photo site, hence anyone visiting my blog has access to them via the link at the bottom of each event to Walgreens. They will remain at Walgreens photo site from 4 to five years.

For those in the press and public distribution: I allow you to copy and use any pic shown here or linked to my photo site. However, they must be presented in good faith to the individual or organization of which it came from. I do not give permission to any photo capture site, that may reuse these for their own profit or motive, e.g., they have failed to act within the bounds of common decency and respect for others. If you have issues or questions, then just call or e-mail me. Remember, yes is the universal answer.
I will give you or anyone you want a hard copy of these pics. They're all digital shots, hence you or your organization can obtain and use these pics. Currently the best way is via Here I will upload the event, however do to memory limits such event will be removed from over time. If you want to keep it then request I share such file and you can then download those you want. I do desire hard prints for electricity is mysterious and may go away.

If anyone objects to a picture and wants it removed then it is removed. This has happen twice since the blog creation. I remove embarrassing or poor shots before posting. I do not want to embarrass anyone, this is not my purpose.

THE LEGAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHOTOGRAPHERS’ RIGHTS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT by MORGAN LEIGH MANNING Page 116 (If you think I am in violation as determined below, please let me know) Generally, a privacy tort action against a photographer taking pictures in public places only exists where a photographer has failed to act within the bounds of common decency and respect for others.

Four distinct torts exist that protect the privacy interests of the individual:

(1) intrusion upon the seclusion or solitude of another,
(2) public disclosure of private facts,
(3) publicity that places another in a false light, and
(4) appropriation of another’s name or likeness for one’s own advantage.

Updated on April 19, 2023 by Peter J. Seniuk